Armenia end of trip – Plasticos Foundation
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Armenia end of trip


We want to thank everyone who participated in this site visit with special thanks to our hosts.  

Steve and Iris Lazarian our wonderful, warm and welcoming hosts.  They introduced us to this wonderful country and people  and their  own passionate and generous endeavors to improve the quality of life in Armenia especially, for young children. Vahe Ohanyan and his lovely family, who opened their home to our team.  Vahe for his time and effort to translate, facilitate and generally provide help and good company.  


Many thanks to the Gertmenian family members (including Dr. and Mrs. Bob Burns) whose family foundation continues to provide so much for the children and adults of Armenia.  

Jim and Sam Gertmenian

Dennis and Suzie (on the far right) Gertmenian


Finally, the Plasticos Team members for making this such a productive site visit.  We have made great headway in connecting with the Doctors of Armenia to better understand what we can provide in the way of medical/surgical equipment and supplies, finances, teaching, and collaboration for the necessary care to young children.  We look forward to our return trip in the near future. 


Bob and Ruthann Burns


Jed and Joanne Horowitz

Please keep track of our Blog over the next few weeks as we plan and embark on our upcoming surgical trip to Cambodia this June,2010.

The Team


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