Final thoughts on Armenia from the Team Leader – Plasticos Foundation
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Final thoughts on Armenia from the Team Leader

Armenia, as all of our trips overseas, has been a wonderful, heart-warming and incredibly fulfilling experience, teeming with overwhelming kindness and caring by our staff and hosts alike.   

Dr. Horowitz working with the Armenian medical team.

What is truly exciting about Armenia is the opportunity to establish a self sustaining program of plastic surgery care for children and indigent patients alike for Armenians by Armenian surgeons

Team Armenia on the last day of surgery.

Armenia currently has a number of well trained board certified plastic surgeons with skills to treat these unfortunate children.


Furthermore there is a medical school and plastic surgery residency graduating  3 new plastic surgeons each year. Unfortunately,  There is an overwhelming amount of patients for this limited number of surgeons.  The  existing facilities also need additional support with better and newer surgical equipment and facilities to provide care in a safe and consistent manner. 

The OR at St. Grigor Medical Center

Not only have we had a rewarding week in the care and treatment of these needy children,but I believe we have made great strides to  establishing  a system in Armenia for the care of these patients that will serve as a model of care to be used in many other countries to improve their health care delivery.

Jed Horowitz, MD

Medical Team Leader


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