Our Second Plasticos Mud Run was a great success! Thank you to everyone who supported our event by making a donation, sponsoring a runner and getting down and dirty for a great cause. With all your help we raised funding for our the Plasticos Foundation Mission to Armenia in May
Come run with us in our next Mud Run Event at Irvine Lake Park on April 10, 2011. We are fundraising for a mission to Armenia in May 2011. Your support will save a child’s life forever. If you would like to contribute but would rather not get muddy, you
Our first Mud Run was featured in the January 2011 issue of Orange Coast Magazine!
Plasticos Foundation was featured on KIIS FM! Listen to Dr. Nichter’s interview by clicking on the link: http://www.kiisfm.com/cc-common/mediaplayer/player.html?redir=yes&mps=socalspeaksout.php&mid=http://a1135.g.akamai.net/f/1135/18227/1h/cchannel.download.akamai.com/18227/podcast/LOSANGELES-CA/KIIS-FM/cc%20aircheck%2010-24-10.mp3?CPROG=PCAST?CCOMRRMID&CPROG=RICHMEDIA&MARKET=LOSANGELES-CA&NG_FORMAT=&NG_ID=&OR_NEWSFORMAT=&OWNER=&SERVER_NAME=www.kiisfm.com&SITE_ID=842&STATION_ID=KIIS-FM&TRACK= The interview starts at 28:36.
Plasticos Foundation had our first annual Mud Run at Irvine Lake Park on Saturday, October 16th. Dr. Nichter, Dr. Horowitz, friends and family of Plasticos ran 5k through a mud-filled obstacle course. Here are some photos of the event (click to enlarge). Thank you all who came out to support
The day of our flight, I’m filled with a sea of emotions. I am so nervous and anxious; I begin labeling and excessively organizing my belongings. I wonder what will I see this time and will break my heart, again. These missions are always so sobering for me. This is
It is the last day of Surgery for the Plasticos Team in Siem Reap, Cambodia. When the medical instruments are cleaned and put away, and each patient is in the ward- recovering, we will have performed more than 50 surgical procedures on 20 patients. This is not the usual trip